

In terms of legislation related to the Padre Foundation, there are currently several bills in the senate that align with the Padre Foundation’s mission. Namely, the goal of lowering the currently egregious price of insulin. The price of a vial of insulin (1,000 units of insulin, roughly a 10 day supply) is currently around $500 without insulin and around $30-50 with insurance. Because of this, the average amount of money spent by diabetics on medical care relating to the disease is around $9,500 per year.

The Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions senate committee has three recent bills aimed at lowering the price of insulin. The Vital Medication Affordability Act seeks to lower the pricing of insulin and epinephrine pens administered at qualified health centers such as hospitals and urgent care offices. The INFORM Act would require the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to publish information about pharmaceutical affordability assistance programs, namely, programs centered on insulin. Lastly, the End Price Gouging for Insulin Act would lower the price of insulin by requiring the HHS to set a, reasonable, maximum price for insulin.